Brown Bag Sessions: We Speak, We Learn

What is a Brown Bag Session?

Brown Bag Session is a different term for Lunch and Learn, it is an informal meeting wherein the participants gather to share their experiences and knowledge about certain topics that they want to cover with the group. This is usually associated with the participants bringing lunch in a paper brown bag, thus having the term “Brown Bag Session”.

But in Phitopolis, the Brown Bag Session does not really mean that the participants need to bring in a brown bag for it to be called a “Brown Bag Session”. For us here at Phitopolis, the participants will attend the session with their own snacks or food while talking about the current topic.

Phitopolis and Brown Bag Sessions

The Brown Bag Sessions started out in Phitopolis with the Applications team, consisting of Marj and Fran, they started this program just to share their knowledge with the Applications team on certain topics where it would become useful in their present project or for future projects. 

As the team grew bigger with the addition of Jayson, Prince and Reynard, the Brown Bag Sessions have become a staple for the Applications team, which occurs every first Friday of the month. This is where they gather and speak out their key insights and knowledge regarding their topic for the month, mainly their topics would include technical and coding topics for their teams added knowledge. These topics would help the team with how to face different scenarios and challenges.

These Brown Bag Sessions are just not to cater to the current members, but also it will entice incoming new members of the Applications team, and also other Phitopolis employees who would want to join in if the topic comes to their interest. 

The Applications team not just want to cater to technical and “IT” people, but also for general knowledge, these topics that they also plan would tackle subjects such as, Finance, Personal Growth and General Knowledge. These topics will also benefit those who have zero knowledge on technical or coding but want to gather more knowledge for future use.


Phitopolis Applications team’s Brown Bag Sessions are a way to help them express themselves by speaking out their thoughts, key insights and knowledge, not just letting it get stuck in your head but to also share them to others who might need them. 

Having constant Brown Bag Sessions has also helped the team get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to projects; these may find a better solution for them or it would just be used in future projects. This is also a chance to showcase their talents in coding which will bring out the best in them.