To kick start our day, the team holds daily standup meetings in the morning. These meetings are a way for each of the team members to share and report their respective project status through short updates of tasks accomplished from the previous day to the tasks to finish for that specific day.

After our morning updates, we head back to our workstations to officially get into work. So what does a usual workday look like in Software Engineering?

Throughout the day, the office hums with the buzz of productivity. In one corner, you might spot a duo engaged in pair programming — completely immersed in their work as they bounce suggestions and ideas. Live huddles are also a common sight, where team members gather to discuss and review architecture, and the like. Live code reviews are part of the norm, too, keeping the team sharp and allowing other team members to not only offer feedback but to participate in refining each other’s work as well. Each subteam exhibits teamwork and collaboration day-to-day, making sure that the work we put forward has been meticulously reviewed and accomplished.

Additionally, to foster learning within the team, we hold Brown Bag sessions at the end of the week so that the whole team can engage in conversations involving industry trends, best practices, and new tech that we could possibly use in the projects that we are working on.

With all that hard work, the team participates in monthly Funtopolis activities for a much-deserved break. We have team lunches and dinners, meriendas for our graduate trainees, and even try out activities that allow us to unwind, recharge, and connect in a setting away from our office desks. It’s a great balance between work and play, with everyone having fun.

Now, back to work!